Next Steps
Want to join us in our mission? Here are the various ministries for you be connected.

G.Y.M. Gethsemane Youth on Mission
G.Y.M. is for Middle and High School students to come together for fun through gatherings and service projects. Senior High Youth meets after the late service at Stabucks off of 103 & Grant. Middles School Youth meet once per month on the 4th Thursday.
Seniors Club
The Seniors Club meets the 1st Thursday of every month at noon. It is a potluck luncheon and following the meal they have devotions and an activity such as guest speakers or a trip to a local place of interest.

Dorcas Guild Lutheran Women's Missionary League
The Dorcas belongs to the LWML (LUtheran Women’s Missionary League). We meet the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 9am. Dorcas Guild serves our church by providing flowers, cards and tapes of Sunday services to our shut-ins. We also serve meals at funerals, Lent, Advent services and numerous other church events. Dorcas Guild proceeds support missionary work here and abroad.
New Song Praise Band
The New Song Praise Band meets on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm to prepare music for the 10:30am Modern Worship Service.